Friday, August 27, 2010

The Red Dragon has arrived in DC

My dream job has come to an end.....for now!  I'm on the search for a career in the sports industry and I'm not stopping until I get it!

My first day of "work" with the Atlanta Falcons *tear*

Here are some behind the scenes pictures from the Falcons' 2nd preseason game against the New England Patriots.....

Pregame fireworks for the team tunnel
The BOSS - Roddy White cuing the in-game OPS

I packed (more like stuffed) everything into the Red Dragon (my red Dodge Neon) and hit the road for the 10 hour drive.  Marcus flew down to Atlanta to help me pack and make the drive back home....thanks! : )  We BOTH managed to get speeding tickets and his was for only 12 mph over - guess they need to get their monthly quota in.  The next day we were driving his car to Richmond and the picture below explains it all:

The shredded tire
As we were driving in the fast lane, the car almost swerved into a tractor trailer.  However, we were saved by Marcus' superb driving skills *cough* : )   A walk down the highway, guessing the wrong kind of tire, hitching a ride back, and one good samaritan later.....we were back on the road.

This is a sad post as it is my last as far as Atlanta Falcon's insight......however, I'm determined to  get a job in the sports world, and once I do, I'll continue my blog and behind the scenes looks.

Stay Tuned.........

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